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Since the 1960’s, Myron L Company has established itself as the leading manufacturer of high quality and simple to operate conductivity and pH instruments used for municipal, commercial and industrial water quality control, chemical concentration testing and process control.

Monitor / Controller

Monitor / Controller

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900DS r02-20b (002)trans.png
900 Series Multi-Parameter
Handheld Meters
  • Myron L® Company’s new 900 Series Multi-Parameter
    Monitor / Controllers combine Accuracy, Reliability, Simplicity,
    and Flexibility. The user-intuitive GUI (Graphical User
    Interface) allows easy and complete programmability of the
    instrument all from the LCD touch screen. These highly
    accurate instruments have the ability for simultaneous
    monitoring and controlling of multiple inputs/outputs.

  • Benefits
    • Affordable • Ease of Operation • Low Maintenance
    • Ensure Product Quality • Prevent Equipment Damage
    • Reduce Waste • Protect the Environment

  • Parameters
    • Conductivity • Resistivity • Salinity • TDS • pH • ORP
    • Temperature • mV Input • Flow • % Rejection
    • 4-20 / 0-20 mA Multi-Parameter Input


Handheld / Portable Instruments

Ultrameter III™ 9PTKA
6PII Ultrameter
Myron L TPH1 TP1
Digital Dialysate Meter
Ultrameter III™ 9PTKA
  • Measures 9 Parameters: Conductivity, Resistivity, TDS, Alkalinity,
    Hardness, LSI, pH, ORP/Free Chlorine, Temperature

  • LSI Calculator for hypothetical water balance calculations

  • Wireless data transfer capability with bluDock™ option

  • Autoranging delivers increased resolution across diverse applications

  • Adjustable Temperature Compensation and Cond/TDS conversion ratios for user-defined solutions

  • Nonvolatile memory of up to 100 readings for stored data protection

  • Date & time stamp makes record-keeping a snap

  • pH calibration prompts alert you when maintenance is required

  • Auto-off minimizes energy consumption

  • Low battery indicator

Ultrameter II™ 6PIIFCE
  • 3 solution standards for greatest accuracy in diverse applications

  • Fully automatic temperature compensation

  • User adjustable temperature compensation (up to 9.99%/°C) which also allows TC to be disabled for applications requiring non-compensated readings.

  • User adjustable conductivity/TDS conversion ratio for greater accuracy when measuring solutions not contained in the microprocessor.

  • Auto-shutoff maximizes the life of the single 9V battery to more than 100 hours/5000 tests.

  • Non-volatile microprocessor provides data back-up, even when the battery is changed. This assures all calibrations and memory data will be retained.

  • Extended life pH/ORP sensor is user replaceable in the field.

Techpro II
  • IP67/ NEMA 6 Waterproof & Buoyant

  • Measures 0 - 14 pH

  • User-replaceable, Long-Life
    Internal pH Sensor

  • Auto Temperature
    Compensation to 25°C / 77°F

  • Keypad Calibration

  • 0 - 20,000 μS / ppm

  • Long Life Internal Electrodes

  • Full 4 Digit Display

  • Memory storage (20 readings)

  • User-Friendly

Digital Dialysate Meter
  • Standardized to 3 solution types for extremely accurate temperature compensation and TDS conversion in a wide variety of application Default is NaCl)

  • No in-line components, eliminating the risk of cross-contamination with patient dialysate stream

  • Internal sensors offer increased durability and are included with instrument

  • Ability to test 7 solution parameters for Conductivity, pH, TDS,

        Resistivity, ORP, Free Chlorine and Temperature

  • Four-digit display for full 9999 readings, with autoranging capability up to 200 mS/200 ppt

  • Powerful microprocessor based surface mount circuitry

  • Memory for up to 100 date-time-stamped readings

  • Display prompts for simple pH calibration

  • Real Time Clock

Ultra Pen Series

Ultra pens
Myron L PT1
  • Conductivity

  • TDS

  • Salinity

  • Temperature

Myron L PT2
  • pH

  • Temperature

  • ORP

  • Temperature

  • Free Chlorine Equivalent
    (FCE ™)

  • Temperature

  • Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

  • Temperature

ULTRAPEN™PTBT1 (Bluetooth Enabled)
(Bluetooth Enabled)
ULTRAPEN™PTBT2 (Bluetooth Enabled)
(Bluetooth Enabled)
ULTRAPEN™PTBT3 (Bluetooth Enabled)
(Bluetooth Enabled)
  • Conductivity

  • TDS

  • Salinity

  • Temperature

  • pH

  • Temperature

  • ORP

  • Temperature


DS and pDS Meters
Myron L 512M5 EP-10
Conductivity / TDS and pH for Professionals


  • Boilers & cooling towers

  • Deionization

  • Reverse osmosis

  • Chemical concentrations

  • Printing fountain solutions

  • Swimming pools & spas

  • Water pollution control

  • Wastewater



KCL Standard Solution is used to calibrate conductivity instruments that read directly in microsiemens (micromhos) or millisiemens (1000 microsiemens). KCI (potassium chloride) is a very stable salt and is an international calibration standard for conductivity measurement.

pH Buffer Solutions 4, 7 and 10 are mold inhibited and accurate to within + 0.01 pH units @ 25°C. Myron L® Buffers are traceable to NIST certified pH references and are color-coded for instant identification.

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Calibration Solution
Calibration Solution
Calibration Solution
pH 4 Myron L
pH7 Myron L
pH10 Myron L

442 Natural Water™ Standard Solution is used in calibrating many Myron L® Instruments. It is the best choice when measuring boiler and cooling water samples, city water supply, lakes, wells, etc. "442" refers to the combination of salts mixed with deionized water to comprise this standard: 40% sodium sulfate, 40% sodium bicarbonate, 20% sodium chloride. A combination of standard salts is necessary since natural water salt type and concentration can vary greatly by location. After much research, the 442 Standard was developed by the Myron L® Company more than 40 years ago. It remains the world's most accepted standard.

Buffer Solutions
Buffer Solutions
Buffer Solutions
Myron L 442-1500
Myron L 442-3000
Calibration Solution
Calibration Solution

pH Sensor Storage Solution is recommended for keeping the pH sensor wet. Myron L® solutions are available in quart/1 ltr., gallon/3,8 ltr. and 2 oz./59 ml plastic bottles, ready to use. (Custom value standards only offered in gallon/3,8 ltr. size bottles.)

Myron L SSQ
SSQ, pH/ORP Sensor
Storage Solution
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